Weka and Chicks


Weka are curious and cheeky creatures. They were once widespread throughout the country, but are now locally extinct in many places, as they are prone to predation. However, they are still common in many areas with good predator control. As beautiful as they are, they can be a pest to those that live in their habitat, as they have a habit of stealing pet food, foraging in vegetable gardens, and snatching small bits and pieces. When breeding, wekas on the mainland normally have a clutch of 2-4 eggs. Your bang’n weka family comes with an adult and two chicks.

Your Bang’n weka family is designed and made in New Zealand. Constructed from weathering steel, your wekas will weather naturally, and settle into your landscape over time – forming a beautiful rusty patina.



  • Beak to tail – 397mm
  • Height (excluding stake) – 348mm


  • Beak to tail – 227mm
  • Height (excluding stake) – 191mm
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New Zealand has been a geographically isolated island nation for many millions of years. This isolation, and a lack of native land mammals, lead to the evolution of the unique array of bird species that call New Zealand home. Many of these species have suffered from the introduction of mammalian predators, such as stoats, rats, possums and cats.

Your purchase of a Bang’n bird helps to ensure that the native species of New Zealand stay in the forefront of our minds, in all regions of New Zealand. As you enjoy your Bang’n bird settling into your landscape, spend some time reflecting on what you might be able to do to ensure that our surviving species can flourish as they once did.


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